Sunday, April 26, 2009

Week 11- Chills and Thrills: Horror Films

My name is Robert Hawkins. It's 6:42 AM on Saturday, May 23rd.
Approximately seven hours ago, some thing attacked the city.
I don't know what it is. If you found this tape, I mean if
you're watching this right now, then you probably know more about it
than I do. Whatever it is, it killed my brother Jason Hawkins,
it killed my best friend Hudson Platt and Marlena Diamond,
and many many others. We've crashed into Central Park
and we've taken shelter underneath this bridge. The military has
begun bombing the creature and we're caught in the middle...

-Michael Stahl-David as Rob in Cloverfield

M 4.27/W 4.29
Lecture: Classics of Horror—An Overview
Screening: Cloverfield (Reeves, 2008 USA)

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