Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Suggested Auteurship Paper Outline

Here is a suggested outline for your auteur research paper:

Part 1: The Introduction
Your introduction should be at least one page long. Remember to have a strong thesis on which to ground your paper. In other words, what is it you want to say about this director? Whatever it is, say it here simply and clearly.

Part 2: Auteur Theory
In this brief section, discuss what auteur theory is and how it applies to your director. Also, identify the three areas on which you will be concentrating (i.e. setting, theme, characterization).

Part 3: The Biography
Begin exploring your director’s life and work experience. Use your director's specific biographical evidence to support your thesis.

Part 4: The Films
Now that you’ve discussed what auteur theory is (and why it applies) and explored some of your director’s personal and professional history, its time to examine the films themselves. You must examine at least three films in this section. Remember, keep film summaries to a minimum and keep your analysis focused. Your task here is to draw connections between "the life" and "the work."

Part 5: The Analysis
In this section, you begin to "connect the dots" about your director's work and life; here is where you explore your findings. For example,
what reasonable assumptions can be drawn about your director? What conclusions have you come to? What does an examination of the life and work reveal about the director as a person?

Part 6: The Conclusion
Your closing should be about one page. Remember to reword your thesis, and summarize your findings about your director. In concluding, inform the reader about your insights into the director. Keep in mind, there should be no new information in your closing.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Week 10- Chills and Thrills: Horror Films

Can't you feel it? It's alive ... watching.

-Julie Harris as Eleanor in The Haunting
M 4.20/W 4.22
Lecture: Introduction to Horror
Screening: The Haunting (Wise, 1863 USA)
Due: OSR 6 (Documentary Film)